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Desde 2011 ajudando a energia chegar até você!

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GIGTECH, based in Salto / SP, is an engineering company with the objective of offering customized solutions for companies of different segments, always focused on meeting the needs of our customers, ensuring quality and efficiency in their production processes through our projects. and products.

Our policy

Through discipline and commitment we work on the development of projects, products and equipment with a focus on meeting the needs of our customers.
Our goal is for our products to bring surprising results to our customers, far beyond what is desired, both operationally and economically.
We seek continuous improvement of our processes and procedures in order to maintain healthy and expansive relationships with our business partners, in order to favor the evolution of the business.

"Helping companies through the solution of our products to bring electricity to everyone!"


Provide solutions in customized products and services that meet

and exceed the needs of our customers with personalized service.


To be a partner and reference in all electric utilities in Brazil, helping our partners to improve the performance of their activities through the benefits of our products and services.



It is extremely important that the company's values are followed in order to be successful, as it is a valuable asset. It is through the values that shape the vision and beliefs within the company!


Honramos nossos compromissos com todas as partes, colaboradores, clientes, fornecedores, meio ambiente, comunidade e governo. Acreditamos que é um princípio fundamental para garantir a continuidade do negócio.


Nos preocupamos com a saúde e a segurança de todos. Treinamos, fiscalizamos e agimos para

diminuir os riscos.


Valorizamos muito o

trabalho em equipe,

a transparência e o

diálogo aberto, pois é

assim que aprendemos

e enfrentamos os

desafios juntos.


Desejamos que todos tenham prosperidade em suas carreiras e negócios, agimos com boa conduta em todos os processos, negociações e parcerias. Jamais iremos sacrificar nossa integridade em busca de lucros.

Estamos em constante aperfeiçoamento de pessoas, processos e produtos, sempre buscando melhoria contínua e desenvolvimentos sustentáveis para garantir melhor eficiência e satisfação dos nossos clientes.


We manufacture our products through machining, welding, boilermaking, plastic injection processes, among others, seeking to serve our customers in various manufacturing processes. We are in constant evolution of equipment, labor and infrastructure.
Our manufacturing processes strictly meet procedures in accordance with ISO 9001 certification to ensure the best efficiency in our services, consequently the satisfaction of our customers.

Our team

We are a company registered with CREA-SP, as well as our professionals who are technically responsible for all services provided, ensuring more security and credibility to our customers.

Our differential

Since 2010, we operate in the industrial market developing equipment that optimizes our customers' products and processes.
The fact that we accept the challenges proposed by our customers makes our services exclusive and differentiated, making us an important partner in our day-to-day activities.

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